Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Next steps...

After finishing and refining the images we shot on thursday, it's time to put them in context. Here are some pieces I've been working on...

Two of the poster proposals

Radio brochure mockup (spanish version)

A logo created as part of the branding system.

Why is the World Blue?

Hello all, I'm sorry for being neglecting my blog so much.Things are getting really busy around here and tyring to finish everything hasn't been an easy task. One of the projects I am currently working on is a campaign that I created to promote UN Radio and TV. I started thinking about the idea of a universal ethnicity that could represent the UN in relation to the world. That informed my decision of using the Blue color (established as UN brand and presence) injected into the human body to differenciate a dialogue where the UN interacts with the people to communicate a simple message.

The challeging part of making this a reality, was a tight schedule to create the images that I envisioned, no budget, no models and scarce resources. But at the end, everything came together. I contacted a UN photographer from brazil that was willing to help me, recruted 6 interns from the cafeteria in my lunch time and we shot the entire thing in an improvised studio for 45min... all in the same day. I would like to thank the photographer Paulo Filgueiras( for his valuable time and the interns: Diane, Kacy, Marianna, Josiah, Talha and Chinedu for their enthusiasm.

Monday, August 14, 2006

NEW YORK CITY > Street Fair

Beautiful Sunday afternoon, at the street fair in Manhattan(5th avenue and 56th street). It happens every sunday around the same area. Great lemonade and greek gyros!

Ronaldinho at the UN?

Yes, for all you soccer fans, Rolaldinho was here at the United Nations as UN Spokesperson for Sport for Development and Peace. The brazilian soccer star was here last friday and I almost got his autograph. Even with my connections with the UN radio interviewers it was nearly impossible to take a picture with him... I waited for almost an hour :(
Here are some of the pictures I took that day.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

HIV/AIDS Prevention

Symbol concept for a condom packaging. The packaging contains a male and female condom and it serves as a promotional piece to be distributed at the XVI INTERNATIONAL AIDS CONFERENCE in Toronto by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


NEW YORK CITY > Underground Art

UN Photo

As we all know, one image says more than 1000 words... now imagine a collection of images that represent more than 60 years of the history of the world!

And GOD created Keynote!

Explaining what we do here in the UN Department of Public Information, specifically within the news and media division, can be a challenging task. There are numerous sections, assorted media, different types of products and audiences to reach for... and all of this information had to be visualized and squeezed in a clear, concise and engaging presentation for the 20th of July.

Caroline Petit and myself where the brave ones that communicated our message to a large audience of about 200 interns at the UN Conference Room 4. The visual presentation was designed by me with the use of apple's Keynote and Adobe Photoshop and some transition techniques to help the fluidity of the displayed content.

Designing an effective presentation was difficult, as there is often a very short timeframe to complete the job and scarce source material to extract from. But all of this is part of a designer's role as an information agent. It doesn't matter what medium you use to communicate the message but how you can get the message out of the medium.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Accidentaly Documenting a Protest...

Last week, an impassioned crowd was forming around me on 2nd Avenue from 42nd to 43rd Streets as I walked towards the subway. The mass was gathering in protest of the current Israeli attack on Lebanon and the ongoing occupation of Palestine. When I realized what was happening, I reached for my right pocket, grabbed my camera and played reporter for a couple of minutes.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Nomadic Behavior

Here I am again wondering around the UN building... hunting for wifi access and a cool spot to navigate.
In this case, a late afternoon next to the Security Council.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Hazardous Advertising

Be very careful when riding the train these days... you never know when you can get punched in the head by Tiger Woods!

NEW YORK | street art

One of my favorite poster enhancements.

random bunnies...

Looks familiar?

Learning... to design.

In order to gain more knowledge about what we do here in the UN and how I can interveene in a more effective way, I suggested a brainstorming session with the Promotional and Distribution Team which I am also part of. I lead the 1 hour session on Wednesday and got inspiring results. It was an interesting experience because this was the first time I engaged in a brainstorm with participants that are not in the design field.