Tuesday, July 25, 2006

And GOD created Keynote!

Explaining what we do here in the UN Department of Public Information, specifically within the news and media division, can be a challenging task. There are numerous sections, assorted media, different types of products and audiences to reach for... and all of this information had to be visualized and squeezed in a clear, concise and engaging presentation for the 20th of July.

Caroline Petit and myself where the brave ones that communicated our message to a large audience of about 200 interns at the UN Conference Room 4. The visual presentation was designed by me with the use of apple's Keynote and Adobe Photoshop and some transition techniques to help the fluidity of the displayed content.

Designing an effective presentation was difficult, as there is often a very short timeframe to complete the job and scarce source material to extract from. But all of this is part of a designer's role as an information agent. It doesn't matter what medium you use to communicate the message but how you can get the message out of the medium.