Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Why is the World Blue?

Hello all, I'm sorry for being neglecting my blog so much.Things are getting really busy around here and tyring to finish everything hasn't been an easy task. One of the projects I am currently working on is a campaign that I created to promote UN Radio and TV. I started thinking about the idea of a universal ethnicity that could represent the UN in relation to the world. That informed my decision of using the Blue color (established as UN brand and presence) injected into the human body to differenciate a dialogue where the UN interacts with the people to communicate a simple message.

The challeging part of making this a reality, was a tight schedule to create the images that I envisioned, no budget, no models and scarce resources. But at the end, everything came together. I contacted a UN photographer from brazil that was willing to help me, recruted 6 interns from the cafeteria in my lunch time and we shot the entire thing in an improvised studio for 45min... all in the same day. I would like to thank the photographer Paulo Filgueiras( for his valuable time and the interns: Diane, Kacy, Marianna, Josiah, Talha and Chinedu for their enthusiasm.