Friday, June 30, 2006

Nomadic Behavior

Here I am again wondering around the UN building... hunting for wifi access and a cool spot to navigate.
In this case, a late afternoon next to the Security Council.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Hazardous Advertising

Be very careful when riding the train these days... you never know when you can get punched in the head by Tiger Woods!

NEW YORK | street art

One of my favorite poster enhancements.

random bunnies...

Looks familiar?

Learning... to design.

In order to gain more knowledge about what we do here in the UN and how I can interveene in a more effective way, I suggested a brainstorming session with the Promotional and Distribution Team which I am also part of. I lead the 1 hour session on Wednesday and got inspiring results. It was an interesting experience because this was the first time I engaged in a brainstorm with participants that are not in the design field.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Portugal Day Weekend!

The Portugal Day weekend party brings lots of memories. The celebration was held on the 10 and 11 of June (last weekend) in the streets of Newark NJ. The idea is to have thousands of people converging into one big event where they can dance, eat and drink until their livers explode!. To make it even more exciting, it also coincided with the world cup's Portugal game.

INTREPID: Sea, Air and space Museum

The other day I dropped by a very interesting museum/attraction on the Hudson river. Building on the long and distinguished history of the aircraft carrier USS Intrepid, the Museum provides a glimpse back to a time when the future of the free world hinged on these great ships. Being a graphic designer, I started focusing more on the details of the exhibit than on the exhibit itself. In presence of such amazing textures, airplane stencil typography and submarine mapping... I couldn't control my camera!

Officially UNed!

The 5th of June was my first day at work. After getting my United Nations Ground Pass ID I am now able to access what was previously restricted. Every day now, I walk through a metal detector, push my laptop into an X-Ray belt and show my UN ID to a security guard. It's like a ritual... A ritual that makes me feel that I am part of something important.

The UN headquarters is a very singular place. It is marked as international territory and there is over 150 nationalities represented in the same space. Being in a place like this is unique, and although I have double citizenship, I still feel like a tourist.

The office that I work in is called News and Media Division of the UN. This department is responsible for getting the UN message out into the world via different types of media, such as: Internet, Radio, Television & Video, News... and further types of communication vehicles that help promote and distribute the UN outside and inside.
During the first week I attended my first meeting where I was introduced to the team that I'll be working with for the rest of this fellowship. Everyone in it is from a different part of the globe: Belgium, Japan, the Philipnes, Jamaica, Russia... I am very pleased to be part of such an international mix.

Got Roof?

I found a place to stay. With the help of my great friend Tina Park and her friend (and mine) Dania , I am now living with a charming portuguese family in Harrison, New Jersey. They are Dania's parents and brother and they welcomed me like a member of the family.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

LA ✈ NY = UN

It was 7:00AM when Jet Blue flight 530 left Burbank on the 28th of May towards JFK. This was is it! I was finally flying to New York City for my 3 month fellowship at the United Nations.
During the flight I watched a great documentary about heavy metal (yes! I am a fan) and had a pleasant conversation with a couple from L.A. that, for some reason, kept insisting that I called their two "adorable" nieces in NY (they were undoubtedly orchestrating a blind date).
Landed in NY at 3:30PM and checked in the hotel an hour later. The hotel was situated right in the heart of Times Square which contributed to the "wow" factor of experiencing NY for the first time.